Learning Expeditions

Expand your business vision with strategic connections and an immersive experience in the world’s leading centers of management, innovation, and corporate practices.

Mission Orlando

When it comes to customer experience, ORLANDO is the place.
Florida is one of the most visited cities in the world, and to attract millions of people from around the globe, it’s necessary to create an experience that goes beyond the beauty of the parks.

That’s why, when it comes to customer experience, this destination is a must for anyone looking to boost their results. It’s possible to see the creativity of major companies in action and learn the behind-the-scenes of how to create a memorable experience at scale.

Silicon Valley Mission.

Discover the Most Innovative Place on the Planet!

If you’re looking for inspiration from the latest in business, technology, and talent, Silicon Valley is your next destination.
This is the global epicenter of the major corporate transformations, home to more than 2,000 tech companies, including Big Techs like Google, Meta, and Apple.
This region attracts more than 40% of all venture capital investments in the United States and is where the best talents converge.
But don’t be mistaken, this isn’t a “corporate tourism” trip. Silicon Valley is a mindset, a way of connecting with people, and a method of creating solutions to real-world challenges. And that’s exactly what you’ll learn, alongside entrepreneurs and executives who are in the trenches, making things happen.

Differentials of the International Module


The program seeks to create real connections among participants in an immersive experience.

Focused content

Focused content to provide a learning environment that fosters the development of essential skills and competencies to lead transformation.

Practical and cultural experiences

Specific activities to empower leaders to apply their knowledge in the real world, combined with dynamic and cultural activities that help solidify learning and expand their world view.

Program Overview

Check in
Aulas com Omeltech para inicio do programa e preparação para o módulo.
Kickoff Internacional
01 mês antes da viagem, faremos um Warn Up Class.
02 semanas antes da viagem faremos uma curadoria online e ao vivo para os participantes montarem suas agendas.
Observando Sinais
Aulas impactantes que irão compartilhar todas as tendências.
Visitas técnincas à operações locais e conversa com executivos(as).
Agenda com o time Omeltech para proporcionar reflexões e networking afim de resolver desafios do dia a dia.
2 Aulas com Omeltech, sendo uma após 1 mês da viagem e outra após 2 meses.
Encontro presencial de networking para encerramento do programa.


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